Owner, lead designer, and planner for By Kelly Kathleen! Kelly has years of experience working with clients since she started her own business in high school. She is thrilled to be applying that experience to planning weddings and events. With a degree in interior design, keen attention to detail, and a deep love of Catholicism, you can be sure that your wedding will stand out from the rest while reflecting the beauty of our faith.

She loves a good dad joke, old cathedrals, and she’s always down for some chicken nuggets.

Kelly cannot wait to serve and celebrate you!



Wedding and event coordinator for By Kelly Kathleen. Kerry has been working for the Catholic Church in fundraising and event planning since she graduated from Michigan State University in 2020. With great organizational skills, attention to detail, and a desire to serve the Lord and others through her passion of planning events, we know that you will love working with Kerry.

She loves going on road trips, photography, and her MSU Spartans.

Kerry is looking forward to making your big day a beautiful, stress-free experience!